I love arepa, and I don't like mondongo.

Food is very important because it literally makes up every part of us. We are made of what we eat. The quality of our structure, down to the cellular level depends on the quality of the food we take in on a daily basis. It constantly astonishes me that food is so important to our very existence and people give little to no thought about it. I mean, would you rather be built out of McDonald’s or vegetables grown in your own garden?

First, we are going to work in the nex puzzles below, in order to be engaged with new vocabulary. 

Now, follow the instructions in the next worksheet, choose a classmate in order to develop this activity.

Finally here's a video where the teacher is going to talk about his favorite dish and how is the preparation of it.

Now you are going to record a video where you tell us what is your favorite type of food (healthy and unhealthy) and why. 
