
From the beginning of our existence, actions such as learning to survive and master thousands of  emotions, such as love, have arisen.
Then the human being begins in the relentless search to find an answer; It is about looking for someone? It is about thinking about someone? It is about worry about someone?, and having experiences we can deduce that love is the delivery of everything you have soul, body, heart and mind. It is the feeling with a sweet aroma that permeates the heart and when we find a place it is there that we affirm what love is, because if we see two hearts dancing in the center of a room we can define that is the product of love or even where we feel the pure, noble and sincere there is also love.

Down below, you fill find a little poem where someone describes his love, click on the direct link, and then follow the instructions.

She sounded like love poem.

After you read the poem for a few times, now you are going to create a comic imaginating how the girl of the story looks like, you can create it in Canva or Powton.

Here you will find what comics are.

Tutorial for PowToon comics creation. 

Step by step for canva comics creation.
